“I saw the funny looking one playing by the lily pads yesterday.”
“Was he with anyone?”
“Does he even have any friends?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Where did he even come from?”
“I’m not sure.”
I could hear them talking from behind the tree, but I stayed sitting where I was so I would not disturb them. It was kind of lonely living in this pond where everyone was so rude and distasteful. I always would walk alone and wonder what it would be like if I lived with a family like the other animals. Everyone says that this pond is such a fine place to live, but it is really a dirty and cruel place with dirty and cruel creatures that do such harm.
It was very early in the morning when I left for the nearby lake and I could see the sun peeking out from the clouds up above. While saying my final goodbyes to the pond I began to walk along the sidewalk and across the street, stopping in little puddles for a swim and speaking to others as I took a splash in the murky waters and then kept going along.
“Who are you?”
“I’m just trying to get to the lake.”
“Ever been?”
“What a great place. I should really go back sometime.”
“You really liked it?”
“Yeah, it was real nice.”
“Ever been to the pond?”
“No, but I’ve heard that it is quite a good place to be.”
“Such a horrible place, that pond. Nothing but rude animals and murky waters.“
“Too bad. I guess I heard wrong.”
“Well, good day.”
“Good day to you to. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
Night finally came and I arrived at the lake. I walked around the water’s edge looking for other creatures and was quite surprised when I found a beautiful white bird floating on the calm surface of the water with a trail of other birds behing her. As I stared down at my reflection in the moonlit lake I realized that the bird looked remarkably similar to myself and decided to approach it and see its reaction. I had finally found where I belonged and lived the rest of my life with my newfound family, enjoying myself in the lake and spending time with my new family and forgetting my lonely past in that dirty little pond.